Friday, May 1, 2009

The Proof Is In The ...Casserole?

Sorry that I haven't written for a while - I have been busier than a one-armed wallpaper hanger!
I started work at my new job (the one outside the home). I'm working on organizing my eldest daughter's May Bridal Shower and June Wedding. Trying to keep up with the never-ending load of housework and chores (Aaaargh!). Trying to spend time with my family (There is never enough time for this). Trying to be supportive of my son's middle-school track endeavors, and prepare for his graduation. I'm organizing Mothers Day, Planning Fathers Day, and the Twins Birthday. I still don't know if we are losing the house or not and if that wasn't enough - I now have the flu (but at least the kids don't)! and there is always the and so on...and so on, and so on...
One thing is for sure - being a mom, the work never ends and you eventually become a multi-tasking wizard. Being a "Working" Mom, however, means that the work never ends, no matter how creative you are (or aren't) - creativity becomes your friend, and YOU ARE a multi-tasking genious! Don't believe me? Just who do you think invented the casserole? Yeah, sure the casserole goes back to the old caveman days - but it was still a busy woman who threw it all in the pot! (I'm kind of in one of those feminist that I'm bringing home some bacon!)
For fun, if you really want to learn more about casseroles, check out this site: Got any yummy casserole recipes to share? Let me know!
Anyhow, there is so much that I want to write about - so much to say...But instead of turning this babble rant into a book...I will go off - individually! And I will begin with...

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