Friday, May 1, 2009

Food, TV, and Me!

In my last post, I gave a much deserved nod to the casserole. I think its one of those under-appreciated meals that is often rather tasty. Yeah, sometimes, a dud comes along - but, all in all - a one dish dinner is a family best friend. Throw whatever you have together, sprinkle with cheese and bake - VOILA! Dinner is served!
Of course, I like to cook other things too, and my friends and family say that I'm really good at it.
Heck, my eldest son even tells me that I should try out for "Hell's Kitchen" or "Top Chef". My husband and I joke that even though I could run circles around some of the "Hells Kitchen" contestants - I wouldn't do well against Sensei Ramsey...I couldn't stand all of the yelling and would ROAST him (believe it or not, I can have a bit of an attitude problem). If you were to ask my husband - a better show for us would be: "The Biggest Loser". He claims that my cooking has made him fat.
Over the years, however, I have made consistent efforts to eliminate the sauces and limit the cheese (which isn't easy in this day of modern convenience). I have succesfully reduced our fat and carb intake tremendously, and believe strongly that his waistline has more to do with other things! I have learned 755,000 different ways to make turkey breast, steamed broccoli, and stopped buying bread....
Maybe, "Survivor" would be a better show for us? Imagine what beans, rice and a lot of nothing would do for the wasteline?????
I must confess though, with returning back into the "real" world (working outside of the home), cooking has become more of a chore than a hobby. The race to cook something fast and nutritious can become daunting (which again, makes the art of baking a casserole so appealing). I mean really - you can only eat so much boneless / skinless chicken breast before you need to call in Bobby Flay! Besides - I like to be creative - and sometimes, it takes time to be creative. Much more time than what is allowed in a typical evening meal (which is where my husband says that I would have difficulties on "Top Chef").
Enter: The "Iron Chef"....secret ingredient: chicken! Throw in some cooked Rice A Roni (any flavor), some sauteed boneless / skinless chicken breast (cubed), sauteed onions and garlic, and some frozen peas (sauteed mushrooms optional), sprinkle with cheese and bake for 10 minutes....and there you go: CASSEROLE!
Okay, so at home the Iron Chef gig doesn't really work - 'cause you only have yourself to battle. So we (the collective "we", meaning me) took it on the road! Last year during our annual camping trip, we hosted a Iron Chef Campfire Battle. We were surprised by the quality of our dishes - even though many of us wound up cooking in the dark! We had Battle Appetizer, Battle Side Dish, Battle Main Dish, and Battle Dessert. There I learned, that my husband can also be rather creative! He came up with an amazing salmon quesadilla that the family still raves about!
Hmmm! I think that the next time my hubby complains about his waste line, I will send him to the that he can create the "casserole" - while I put my feet up and see how fast I can scroll through the channels on TV. Hey, it's an idea that just might work!
Move over Alton Brown, Betty Crocker, and Paula Deen - it's hubby's turn! Okay, so, maybe then we would also need a little help from Oprah and Dr. Phil...and then we can create our own show...The Biggest Loser Chef Survivor, Gladiator Style!


  1. Lovely article on the casserole:)....Thank you so much for the blog award! I left a comment on my blog in response to your comment....

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. By the way, the caserole idea sounds delicious. I haven't made any in years, I'll have to again :)

  4. I burst out laughing when I read the part where your husband said your casseroles are making him fat. On a serious note, I think casseroles are a great idea. I should really think about doing those, I've actually never made one. Thanks for sharing this, your article was very entertaining.
